Thursday, 26 January 2017

Happy Australia Day!

Hope all my fellow Aussie readers enjoyed their day off today. ^^

For the benefit of others:
Barbie = Barbeque
Arvo = Afternoon



Thursday, 19 January 2017

Christmas Flashback

Flashback conversation between my friend Brooke and her cutie Vali during Christmas.  This comic is dedicated to them. :)


Wednesday, 11 January 2017


Happy 2017! Hope everyone had a nice holiday break, mtbunnies is now back in business! ^^

Edit: I just realised there's a spelling mistake in the comic. Hah, first fail in 2017. Lovely.


About the Author

My photo
We all need some darkness in our lives in order to appreciate the warmth of the light. Life should be simple, but it isn't. So please don't take everything too seriously.